With 2 children of my own, I am bombarded by cute. This article illustrates and has opened my eyes to the tactice of “cute” marketing. For example, my son and I were in Wal-Mart – yes designers go there – and we came across stuffed ponys for sale. We promptly grabbed one (brown with white spots) for my three year old. When we returned later that day – twice in one day? – we noticed a pink one and strongly considered exchanging, because it was even cuter.
After reading this article, I decided against it and now consider myself enlightened to the cutification of America. But you can decide for yourself.
This was too appropriate not to share: Cute Overload.
However, I concur with Wonkette when they say, “Butterstick has broken the cute barrier.”
I’ve wasted many potentially productive hours watching the PandaCam. Don’t judge me.